Lauren Caggiano - Entrepreneurship Spotlight


Lauren Caggiano of WriteOn, LLC (Courtesy Photo)

In this week's "Entrepreneurship Spotlight," we profile Lauren Caggiano, a Fort Wayne-based writer, editor and French translator with more than a decade of experience. Caggiano is chief wordsmith and founder of WriteOn, LLC and offers a broad spectrum of services from copywriting to brand audits to tutoring.

What made you decide to open a business in Fort Wayne?

Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. In 2007, I was working a low-wage job right out of college and needed a way to supplement my income. I met someone on the job who encouraged me to freelance and one thing led to another. Over time I had built up a significant portfolio and made some key connections that helped me take my business to the next level. Also, my late father, Chris Cage, was an entrepreneur and he really inspired that initial drive in me. I helped with the family business and saw how fulfilling entrepreneurship can be.

What resource in the community has helped you thrive in the community?

We have a pretty strong network of people locally who either freelance full-time or pursue side gigs. Either way, there is a mentality of “we’re in this together.” I don’t feel like there’s an attitude of competition but collaboration. Everyone wins that way!

What is the biggest challenge you have worked to overcome in starting your business?

No doubt all things money! I have bootstrapped my business since day one. The first few years I operated on a loss and depended on my full-time job to sustain me. Also, it has been an eye-opening experience to navigate the tax code. It’s both an art and a science really.

What person has helped you the most in your journey?

My husband has always been very supportive of my endeavors. He’s very analytical, so he helps me think of things from that standpoint. I am very much a creative, so it can be a struggle to think outside of that box.

What is some advice you would have for new entrepreneurs?

It’s all about connections. Buy someone a cup of coffee and don’t have an agenda other than getting to know them. It's amazing how much relationships I’ve made from those efforts alone.

What would be the best thing Fort Wayne could do for entrepreneurs in your opinion?

I wish there were some of grant program (not a loan) that helped people start a business after a job loss. It was fortuituous that my business really took off after I was laid off, but I was in a predicament because I didn’t make enough to live on. I still needed to file unemployment. If we want to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs, we need to make it more accessible.

For more information on Lauren Caggiano and WriteOn, LLC, please visit
